Columbia University building breach captured on bodycam footage


Columbia University professor Awi Federgruen joined ‘Fox & Friends First’ to discuss what he believes should be done following the anti-Israel takeover and his reaction to Columbia law students’ demands to cancel finals exams over the protests.

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  1. This country needs an enema. What the hell is going on with these entitled brats. We have a corrupt government trying to take down a former president because the democraps can’t win without it. Sad where our country is right now. Scary times.

  2. Our schools and Universities are suppose to be about learning not a place to infiltrating and push political narratives !
    The US Constitution and Bill of Rights should guarantee everyone including card holders who come for an education and a safe environment !
    There is something deeply wrong with what is happening !
    The Federal Government had better get their act together and investigate these funds going to Colleges and how these Students are so misinformed !
    Dangerous times here in the US !
    The FBI can earn their keep following up on this BS !

  3. Biden's America (just another Peaceful Protest) = hate crimes – trespassing – destruction of property – assaulting police. *Trying to take attention away from the SHAM Trump trial.

  4. This is anti democratic act by police.
    Now you see how bad it was felt in India when US channels were reporting the protests in New Delhi Jamia Millia University students protests as democratic and the crackdown by police as anti democratic.

  5. Only a few out of many protesters across 🇺🇸 have been violent, etc, and agentprovocateurs, etc, have a history of infiltrating protests from both sides. In fact, many pro-🇵🇸 protests have been led by ✡️people. India'sgov't has taken Joe'sgov't to task for the treatment of the protesters and they support a twostatesolution.

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