CNN’s Daniel Dale Challenges Kamala Harris’ Fracking Claim


CNN’s Daniel Dale scrutinized Vice President Kamala Harris’ recent comments on fracking during an interview with Dana Bash, concluding that her statement was misleading.

Dale delved into Harris’ past stance on the issue, referencing a 2019 CNN climate town hall where she was asked about implementing a federal fracking ban on her first day in office. At the time, Harris unequivocally stated, “There’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking, yes.”

However, Dale noted that Harris’ position appeared to shift during the 2020 general election debate with then-Vice President Mike Pence. Upon reviewing the transcript, Dale found that Harris did not explicitly state that she had changed her mind on banning fracking. Instead, she emphasized that Joe Biden, the Democratic presidential nominee, did not support a fracking ban.

During the debate, Harris said, “Joe Biden will not ban fracking, he has been very clear about that. I will repeat that to the American people: Joe Biden will not ban fracking.” Dale pointed out that Harris was speaking on behalf of Biden, as the presidential candidate, and not expressing her personal views. He argued that it was unclear whether Harris had abandoned her previous support for a fracking ban, as she did not explicitly state her current stance.

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Pam Key
Pam Key
Pam's contributions focus on political news and commentary, featuring articles on various topics such as politicians, elections, and current events.

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