Clinton’s Misguided Defense of Walz: A Reminder of Her Own History of Deception


Hillary Clinton, known for her own embellishments of her experiences, including a fabricated story about taking sniper fire in Bosnia, has come to the defense of Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, the Democratic vice presidential candidate.

Walz has been facing intense scrutiny over his exaggerated claims about his military service, including his decision to retire from the military after learning that his unit would be deployed to Iraq. Clinton attempted to deflect attention from these issues by highlighting Walz’s 20-year military career and his work on the GI bill in Congress.

However, Clinton’s post on X conveniently ignored the numerous false claims Walz has made about his military service over the past two decades. These include his claim to be a retired command sergeant major, when in fact he retired at a lower rank, and his assertion that he carried weapons “in war,” despite never serving in combat.

Clinton also failed to address Walz’s decision to retire from his military contract early, just months before his unit deployed to Iraq. This move has raised questions about Walz’s commitment to his military service and his willingness to serve in harm’s way.

Notably, Clinton disabled replies to her post, a tactic she has employed in recent posts on X. This move has led some to speculate that she is attempting to avoid criticism and scrutiny of her defense of Walz.

Since Vice President Kamala Harris selected Walz as her running mate, he has faced a barrage of questions about his military service, which he has touted throughout his political career. Despite these questions, the Harris-Walz campaign has only addressed one of Walz’s false claims, and even that response has been met with skepticism.

Kristina Wong
Kristina Wong
Pentagon Correspondent.

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