

Deceptive Abortion Ballot Measures Threaten Every State in 2024

Democrats and their allies in support of abortion rights are pushing for the legalization of abortion throughout all nine months of pregnancy in every...

Congress is Advised by Experts that Auditing for Slavery in Chinese Factories is Impossible

Experts, including a top researcher on the Uyghur genocide and a senior official in the Department of Labor, addressed Congress this week, stating that...

Refuting 10 False Claims Made by Democrats About Elections

The Democrats have been spreading lies about various subjects, including elections and voter integrity since the 2020 election. They have used disinformation tactics to...

Senators from Both Parties Urge Leaders to Limit TSA’s Facial Recognition Technology

A group of 14 senators from both parties is urging their leaders to limit the use of facial recognition technology by the Transportation Security...

American Universities Receive Secret Funding from China’s Huawei for Tech Research

China's Huawei, a state-linked electronics giant, has reportedly been providing funding for advanced research at American universities through a nonprofit called the Optica Foundation...

Bernie Sanders warns: Israel conflict could become Biden’s Vietnam

Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) stated during an interview on CNN International's "Amanpour" that the demonstrations in support of Palestine on college campuses could potentially...

Biden Urged to Promote Collaboration Between Schools and Police for Restoring Order

Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation League, appeared on Newsmax TV's "The Record" and called on President Joe Biden to work with campuses and...

Cornell professor warns of a grave situation

Cornell Law professor William Jacobson tells 'Jesse Watters Primetime' what he believes is behind the spread of anti-Israel protests on college campuses.

Democrats’ Failure to Condemn Protests Resulting in Loss of ‘Moral High Ground’

MSNBC host Al Sharpton criticized Democrats for failing to condemn the pro-Palestine student protests on college campuses in the United States during a segment...

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