Capitol Hill Raises Concerns Over Biden Voter Registration Meeting: Potential Election Interference


House Republicans are investigating the Biden administration ahead of the 2024 election and have raised concerns about a meeting between the White House and left-wing activists on voter registration. They are worried that President Biden’s 2021 executive order, which requires federal agencies to develop voter registration plans with approved outside groups, could be used to boost Democratic turnout illegally in November. While the administration claims the operation is nonpartisan, internal documents suggest otherwise.

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer criticized Biden’s executive order, calling it an overreach of the executive branch’s authority and stated that it disregards the federalist election system. House Republican Conference Chairwoman Elise Stefanik expressed concerns about illegal coordination between the Biden administration and progressive activists to influence elections.

Republicans have launched investigations into the 2021 executive order, which they believe violates federal rules, including the Antideficiency Act and the Hatch Act. Meeting notes obtained by conservative organizations reveal discussions about registering illegal immigrants and integrating voter registration into public housing as a requirement. Republicans see these discussions as evidence of a partisan attempt to influence future elections using federal resources.

The 2021 meeting, held virtually on Zoom, was attended by representatives from various agencies and left-wing activist groups. Republicans believe there was a coordinated effort between the White House and activists to target vulnerable populations likely to vote for Biden. They also allege that the Biden administration worked with progressives to leverage federal resources for political gain.

The House Small Business Committee is conducting an investigation into the Small Business Administration over its voter registration efforts following the 2021 executive order. Lawmakers are concerned about the administration’s collaboration with progressive groups and the allocation of taxpayer dollars for activities outside of the SBA’s jurisdiction. They are determined to stop what they see as blatant political acts by the Biden administration.

Gabe Kaminsky
Gabe Kaminsky
Investigative Reporter.

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