Buttigieg’s Shameful Admission: Abortion Makes Men ‘More Free’ to Engage in Promiscuous Behavior


In a shocking admission, Department of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg revealed that he is backing Vice President Kamala Harris for the 2024 election because he believes that unrestricted access to abortion makes men “more free” to engage in promiscuous behavior without consequences.

During a “White Dudes for Harris” campaign call on Monday night, Buttigieg confirmed that Harris plans to prioritize her extreme abortion agenda, which includes the radical push to legalize abortion through all nine months of pregnancy. Buttigieg argued that men benefit from a society that endorses abortion, claiming that it allows them to have sex without worrying about the responsibilities that come with fatherhood.

Buttigieg’s comments suggest that the “freedom” he is referring to is the ability of men to engage in casual sex without facing the consequences of their actions. With access to birth control and abortion, men can avoid taking responsibility for their actions and instead shift the burden to women.

However, this so-called “freedom” comes at a devastating cost. The proliferation of abortion has led to a culture of disposability, where human life is treated as nothing more than a commodity to be discarded at will. The consequences of this culture are far-reaching, affecting not only the unborn children who are killed through abortion, but also the women who undergo the procedure and the men who are complicit in it.

Buttigieg’s comments are a stark reminder of the Democrats’ extreme stance on abortion. By promoting abortion as a means of empowerment, Democrats are perpetuating a lie that has been debunked time and time again. The reality is that abortion is a destructive and dehumanizing practice that harms women, men, and children.

Harris and Buttigieg’s full-throated endorsement of this ideology is a disturbing sign of the times. It is a stark reminder that the Democrats are committed to promoting a culture of death and destruction, rather than one of life and dignity.

Jordan Boyd
Jordan Boyd
Staff writer. Jordan's work has also been featured in The Daily Wire, Fox News, and RealClearPolitics. She graduated from Baylor University where she majored in political science and minored in journalism.

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