Biden’s Poll Numbers Plunge as More Democrats Demand He Step Down


President Joe Biden’s tumultuous week has culminated in a barrage of negative developments, including congressional defections, plummeting poll numbers, and damning optics.

The crisis surrounding Biden’s candidacy intensified on Friday, with Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) joining the chorus of Democrats calling on the president to step down. Schiff’s announcement was followed by a slew of prominent Democrats, including Sens. Martin Heinrich (D-NM), Sherrod Brown (D-OH), and Reps. Sean Casten (D-IL), Jared Huffman (D-CA), Marc Veasey (D-TX), Chuy Garcia (D-IL), Mark Pocan (D-WI), Greg Landsman (D-OH), Zoe Lofgren (D-CA), Betty McCollum (D-MN), Kathy Castor (D-FL), Morgan McGarvey (D-KY), and Gabe Vasquez (D-NM), demanding Biden’s resignation.

The defections, which included the first member of the Congressional Black Caucus, Sen. Veasey, dealt a significant blow to Biden’s argument that it is predominantly white “elites” seeking his ouster. Instead, the defectors’ list now numbers 35 congressional Democrats, with no signs of the exodus slowing.

Furthermore, a recent Emerson College poll showed Biden trailing Trump in every swing state and majority of voters believing the president should drop out of the race. The poll also found Biden’s support crumbling among key minority groups, with only 70% of black female voters intending to cast their ballots for him in 2024.

In addition to the congressional and polling woes, Biden’s family is said to have begun discussing a potential exit plan, fueling speculation about the president’s commitment to remaining in the race. Despite these concerns, Biden’s team has reaffirmed his determination to stay in the contest, despite growing pressure from within his party to step aside.

The mounting difficulties have also led to high-stakes infighting within the Democratic party, with billionaire donor Michael Moritz pledging to withhold his funding until Biden is replaced at the top of the ticket. In an email to the New York Times, Moritz wrote, “He can either condemn the country to dark and cruel times or heed the voice of Father Time. The clock has run out.”

Brady Knox
Brady Knox
Brady Knox is a breaking news reporter with a particular focus on Russia, Eastern Europe, and foreign affairs. Hailing from Pittsburgh, he graduated from Miami University in 2022 with a bachelor's degree in Russian, Eastern European, and Eurasian studies and political science.

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