Biden’s Lagging Support Unaffected by Potential Trump Conviction


A recent poll suggests that President Joe Biden’s low polling numbers would not receive a boost if former President Donald Trump is potentially found guilty in any legal case against him. Contrary to the belief that a Trump conviction could benefit Biden, the poll indicates that Biden’s support remains around 40 percent, and incumbents with approval ratings of 50 percent or higher typically win reelection.

Interestingly, the poll also shows that a small percentage of Trump’s current support would move to the undecided column if he were convicted by a Manhattan jury. However, it is possible that Trump could regain these undecided voters after the initial shock of a potential conviction wears off. Some Republican lawmakers and conservative pundits suggest that evidence implicates Biden’s White House in the prosecutions against Trump.

Overall, the poll reveals that a potential conviction would not significantly impact Biden’s support, with percentages remaining consistent regardless of the outcome for Trump. Trump’s ongoing criminal trial in Manhattan is seen as the only case where a guilty verdict could be reached before the November elections.

Furthermore, recent polls suggest that a growing number of Americans view Trump’s trial as irrelevant to his fitness for reelection, and there is doubt regarding the fairness of the outcome. Despite this, Trump maintains his innocence and argues that the case should never have been brought against him.

In conclusion, the poll sampled 1,008 adults and has a margin of error of 3.09 points. It paints a complex picture of how a potential Trump conviction may or may not impact Biden’s polling numbers.

Wendell Husebo
Wendell Husebo
Former GOP War Room Analyst and founder of Healthy Living Magazine.

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