Biden’s Gaza Pier Debacle: A Symbol of Ineptitude on the World Stage


The Biden-Harris administration’s foreign policy decisions have been marked by a pattern of prioritizing domestic politics over real-world security concerns. One notable example is the ill-fated floating pier for aid delivery to Gaza, which was announced during President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address in March.

The idea for the pier was met with skepticism by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), which had previously considered and rejected the proposal due to logistical difficulties and concerns about its effectiveness. However, Biden pushed forward with the plan, despite the agency’s objections, in an effort to appease the anti-Israel faction within his party.

The Defense Department was tasked with constructing a temporary floating pier off the coast of Gaza, with the goal of delivering enough food to feed 500,000 Palestinians for three months. However, the project was plagued by difficulties from the start, including rough seas and security concerns. According to a USAID Office of Inspector General report, Biden disregarded warnings from his humanitarian aid experts and instead insisted on pushing forward with the project.

The results were disastrous. Only one month’s worth of food was delivered to Gaza, and most of that was looted. USAID officials told the inspector general that far more aid could have been delivered if resources and efforts had been focused on the more efficient and proven land crossings.

This debacle is just the latest example of the Biden-Harris administration’s ineptitude on the world stage. From the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan to the emboldening of the Iranian regime, the administration’s decisions have made America look weak and ineffectual.

The consequences of these decisions are far-reaching, with multiple security threats emerging worldwide. The situation in Ukraine, Taiwan, and Iran has grown increasingly menacing, and the Biden-Harris team has shown no signs of changing course.

Vice President Kamala Harris has been silent on these issues, and there is no indication that she would take a different approach if she were to become president. A Harris administration would likely continue to prioritize domestic politics over real-world security concerns, leading to more debacles like the Gaza pier.

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