Biden’s Administration Raises Immigrant Population by 6.6 Million, Equivalent to Nearly 2 Years of U.S. Births


A recent analysis by researchers from the Center for Immigration Studies has revealed that President Joe Biden’s administration has led to a significant surge in the nation’s foreign-born population, reaching a record high in American history. Since Biden took office in January 2021, 6.6 million immigrants have been added to the US population, bringing the total foreign-born population to 51.6 million.

This increase is equivalent to nearly two years of US births and surpasses the populations of 33 states. The current trend suggests that the foreign-born population could reach over 82 million by 2040, with nearly 1 in 4 people in the US being born in a foreign country.

The analysis also indicates that about 60 percent of this population growth is due to illegal immigration, while the remaining 40 percent is attributed to legal immigration. Legal immigration numbers remain high, with approximately a million immigrants admitted annually on green cards, mostly through chain migration.

Despite widespread public sentiment for reducing immigration levels, little action has been taken by lawmakers in Washington, DC. A recent survey showed that nearly 6 in 10 likely voters support cutting immigration levels, with 4 in 10 wanting to halve annual immigration and 63 percent calling for a slowdown in immigration-driven population growth.

John Binder
John Binder
John Binder is an immigration and fashion journalist. He focuses on national issues in the United States and writes for various platforms. He is a proud son, husband, father, and USMC Vet.

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