Behind the Smirk: Unpacking Kamala Harris’s Debate Strategy


In a calculated move, Vice President Kamala Harris has adopted a distinctive debate tactic, smirking and shaking her head in response to former President Donald Trump’s statements. But a closer examination reveals that her reactions may not be as spontaneous as they seem.

On the split screen, Harris’s facial expressions and body language appear to be more of a deliberate strategy than a genuine response to Trump’s words. Her head-shaking, wide-eyed stares, and muted microphone asides seem to be choreographed to convey a sense of incredulity, rather than a thoughtful rebuttal. It’s clear that Harris is aware of the camera’s gaze and is using her reactions to make a point.

This approach bears a striking resemblance to the tactic employed by President Joe Biden during his 2012 vice presidential debate against Paul Ryan. Biden’s laughter and dismissive demeanor were designed to belittle his opponent and sway the audience. However, there are key differences between the two situations. Biden’s face-to-face encounter with Ryan allowed for a more direct and intense exchange, whereas Harris’s interactions with Trump are more distant.

Moreover, Harris’s execution of this strategy falls short of Biden’s success. Her attempts to appear amused and dismissive come across as slightly forced and even schoolmarmish. In contrast, Biden’s Joker-like grins and chuckles were unapologetic and unselfconscious, as he prioritized making Ryan look bad over projecting a dignified image. Harris, on the other hand, is striving to present herself as a leader, and this approach may not be the most effective way to achieve that goal.

Timothy P. Carney
Timothy P. Carney
Timothy P. Carney is a senior political columnist and a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. He is the author of Family Unfriendly: How Our Culture Made Raising Kids Much Harder Than It Needs to Be, Alienated America: Why Some Places Thrive While Others Collapse, The Big Ripoff, and Obamanomics.

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