Americans Already Familiar with Kamala Harris and Hold Negative Opinion, Says Jesse Watters


Fox News host Jesse Watters and OutKick host Tomi Lahren discuss Kamala Harris’ recent interview on β€˜Sherri’ and voters’ perception of the vice president.

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  1. I can just see Kamala now negotiating with Putin, Xi Xi, and Iran – do what I say or I'll kick your f-ing doors down. They're going to jump right on that. Not!

  2. Well joe befin is the big guy of the crimes and criminals trying harders for his to blames trump for his crimes of his families hunter son business dealings to Ukraine Russia ccp.ccp.chinachiinese communist goverment sactions for his own business joe bedin to ccp.chinachiinese communist silence without konwing to Americans people's citizens to the united states of america

  3. The reason rhe old man doesn't know? They don't TELL HIM he ACTUALLY THINKS HE'S PRESIDENT…not sure were the little voices in his head come from …its Obama in his basement controlling him

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