America in Chaos: Sen. Rubio declares total chaos in the nation


Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., discusses the latest in the Israel-Hamas conflict.

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  1. Social infiltration works only to the extent that the host nation tolerates it

    Jesus repudiates violence

    Unauthorized motive


  2. Of course. Thats what the enemies of America want. Massive riots, invasion of the borders, the absolute rejection of traditional values, corrupt politicians and priests, many different gangs fighting in the streets. These are very old war tactics. This is just the beginning of their plan. It will get far worse if not stopped now.

  3. That’s because of the king of chaos Captain Chaos trump! Just look at his past administration. Nobody has endorsed him. Even said they are voting against him. Trump is done! Toast! Adios Gordo!

  4. These protesters are American heroes! We can clearly see that Pro-Israel Zionists are in a panic mode! They sense America is changing fast…No more sipping of Zionism Kool-Aide that made it sick…These protesters will make America Free of the Pariah’s spell…America will be Free at last! Oh Thank God Almighty, free at last!

  5. Thank the D's and their 'foreign affair' master failure. Everything in the world is falling apart. Everything in America is falling apart. All happening under Brandon. They said this would happen under Trump. None of it happened. All on Joe. FJB

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