A New Hotspot for Illegal Crossings Emerges Along the US Southern Border


Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., joins ‘Fox News Live’ to discuss the migrant crisis’ impact on San Diego, California.

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  1. I am a wizard from the future. If Trump wins, you will be introduced to the "one" line of products. Coke one will retail for 9.99 a bottle and be one ounce. Pringles One will be 5.99 for one ounce of chips. And so on and so on. The richers will go from billionaires to trillionaires while you starve and suffer. Anyone who challenges him will be sent to re-education camps. Heed my warning!!!

  2. Well since Briben won't close the border better they cross into California because California has been ruined for decades… Hey Newsome,… keep all your new citizens there they aren't wanted anywhere else..

  3. A 1948 speech to the British House of Commons, Winston Churchill once said, β€œThose that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” NO MATTER THE ORIGIN, The SENTIMENTS Are ETERNAL

    Indentured Servants In The U.S.

    Indentured servants first arrived in America in the decade following the settlement of Jamestown by the Virginia Company in 1607.

    The idea of indentured servitude was born of a need for CHEAP LABOR. The earliest settlers soon realized that they had LOTS OF LAND to care for, BUT NO ONE TO CARE FOR ITπŸ”. With passage to the Colonies expensive for all BUT THE WEALTHY, the Virginia Company developed the system of Indentured Servitude to
    ATTRACT WORKERS. Indentured servants became vital to the colonial economy.

    The timing of the Virginia colony was ideal. THE THIRTY YEAR'S WAR (The Thirty Years' War aimed to establish FREEDOM OF RELIGION, which was at times at stake. The leading cause was that Emperor Ferdinand FORCED CATHOLICISM throughout the region, which made Protestants fear losing their rights to worship.) which had left Europe's economy depressed, and many skilled and unskilled laborers were without work. A new life in the New World offered a glimmer of hope; this explains how one-half to two-thirds of the immigrants who came to the American colonies ARRIVED AS INDENTURED SERVANTS.

    Servants typically worked four to seven years in exchange for passage, room, board, lodging and freedom dues. While the life of an indentured servant was harsh and restrictive, it wasn't slavery. There were laws that protected some of their rights. But their life was not an easy one, and the punishments meted out to people who wronged were harsher than those for non-servants. An indentured servant's contract could be extended as punishment for breaking a law, such as running away, or in the case of female servants, becoming pregnant.

    For those that survived the work and received their freedom package, many historians argue that they were better off than those new immigrants who came freely to the country. Their contract may have included at least 25 acres of land, a year's worth of corn, arms, a cow and new clothes. Some servants did rise to become part of the COLONIAL ELITE.. But for THE MAJORITY of indentured servants that survived the treacherous journey by sea and the harsh conditions of life in the New World, satisfaction was a modest life as a freeman in a burgeoning colonial economy.

  4. And the hoards just keep coming who's job are they going take next ? Yours your family member your neighbors or are just going get state aid and medical and sponge off the taxpayer ? More cheap labor is coming like it or not !

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