A Nation in Agreement: 87% Support Biden’s Decision to Step Aside


President Joe Biden’s decision to bow out of the 2024 presidential election has been met with widespread approval from American voters, according to a recent poll.

In a letter posted online, Biden explained that he had come to the realization that it was in the best interest of his party and the country for him to step aside and focus on fulfilling his duties as President for the remainder of his term.

The move came after a lackluster debate performance last month, which sparked calls from Democrats in Congress and donors for him to drop out of the race.

A new poll conducted by The New York Times and Siena College Polling found that a staggering 87% of registered voters agree with Biden’s decision to exit the presidential race. Only 9% of voters expressed disapproval of his decision, indicating a near-unanimous consensus among Americans.

Furthermore, the poll revealed that a significant majority of respondents – 79% – believe that there should be age limits imposed on officials elected to public office. This sentiment is likely fueled by concerns about the suitability of older politicians for high-pressure roles like the presidency.

The poll’s findings are consistent with another recent survey conducted by YouGov, which showed that 49% of adults “strongly” approve of Biden’s decision to drop out of the race, while 22% “somewhat” approve. Among Democrats, 39% expressed strong approval of the move, while 31% somewhat approved.

Biden’s decision to step aside has cleared the way for other Democratic contenders to enter the fray, and it remains to be seen how the party will coalesce around a new candidate.

Madeline Leesman
Madeline Leesman
Web Editor. Madeline writes on all topics, with a particular interest in the pro-life issue, LGBT+ issues, immigration, big tech, and the coronavirus pandemic. She graduated from Belmont University in December 2019 as a double major in journalism and public relations.

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