China vows to remain a faithful ally to Russia as Putin and Xi meet


Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping met in Beijing for a two-day summit to discuss the relationship between their countries. Xi Jinping referred to the two nations as “good neighbors, good friends, good partners” and expressed their commitment to strengthening diplomatic ties. He also pledged to work with Russia to revitalize both countries.

Upon Putin’s arrival in Beijing, Xi emphasized the importance of the China-Russia relationship, stating that it must be cherished and nurtured. He expressed China’s willingness to collaborate on developing and rejuvenating their respective countries, as well as upholding fairness and justice globally.

Putin, in turn, expressed gratitude towards China for their support in the conflict with Ukraine. He thanked Xi for China’s efforts and stated that Russia appreciates their assistance in resolving the situation. Xi expressed hope for a peaceful resolution and called for stability to return to Europe, announcing China’s intention to aid in diplomatic efforts post-war.

The two leaders signed a joint statement to enhance their geopolitical ties and pledged future cooperation in various sectors such as car manufacturing, food supplies, and nuclear energy. They also committed to a position of non-alliance and non-confrontation.

Both Putin and Xi stressed that their collaboration is not intended to be directed against any specific party and emphasized that their cooperation serves as a stabilizing force in the international arena. Putin highlighted the importance of their partnership in world affairs, labeling it as a key factor for stability globally.

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