Financial Records Show Kamala Harris Received Almost $1,700 Worth of Beyonce Tickets as a Gift


Financial records show that Beyonce gifted Vice President Kamala Harris concert tickets worth nearly $1,700. This gift was disclosed in official documents that the president and vice president are required to report. Harris shared her excitement about the concert on social media last August. Additionally, ESPN also gifted Harris tickets to a Cricket Celebration Bowl game in December 2023 worth $1,890.

In addition to these gifts, Harris received royalties from her published books. Her children’s book, Superheroes Are Everywhere, brought in $8,254 in royalties, while her memoir, The Truths We Hold, earned her $234.13.

Both Harris and President Joe Biden did not show significant changes in their income sources in their financial disclosures. Biden did not receive any gifts.

Beyonce has been a vocal supporter of Biden and Harris, endorsing them on social media just days before the 2020 election.

Brady Knox
Brady Knox
Brady Knox is a breaking news reporter with a particular focus on Russia, Eastern Europe, and foreign affairs. Hailing from Pittsburgh, he graduated from Miami University in 2022 with a bachelor's degree in Russian, Eastern European, and Eurasian studies and political science.

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