Examining Non-Citizen Voting in the U.S.: Addressing Concerns and Proposed Reforms


Are non-citizens voting in U.S. elections? Yes, they are. This topic was recently discussed on an episode of “The Drill Down” with co-host Eric Eggers, who examined election fraud in his book “FRAUD.” A recent academic study based on surveys from the Cooperative Congressional Election Studies found that as many as 27% of non-citizens surveyed were registered to vote, with 13% voting.

In response to this issue, House Speaker Mike Johnson introduced legislation requiring proof of citizenship for voter registration. The problem lies in the lack of requirements for proof of citizenship in many states, leading to potential voter fraud. The influx of illegal immigrants further complicates the issue.

The 2020 election highlighted election integrity issues, especially with relaxed mail-in voting rules due to the pandemic. Efforts by the Biden administration to increase voter registration among constituents have raised concerns about voter integrity.

To address these issues, possible reforms were suggested on the show, including establishing a national database for voter rolls, providing citizenship data to local officials, and preventing non-citizens from registering to vote.

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