CNN’s Fareed Zakaria Questions Fairness of Charges Against Trump, Suggesting Political Motivation


During a recent episode of CNN’s “GPS Sunday,” host Fareed Zakaria suggested that the charges against former President Donald Trump in New York City were politically motivated.

Zakaria expressed concern about Trump’s popularity in swing states and acknowledged the potential for a second term.

He noted that Trump’s support may be underestimated and highlighted the unity among Republicans in supporting him.

Zakaria also commented on the trials against Trump, suggesting they may backfire and generate sympathy for him.

He questioned the fairness of the indictment, suggesting it may not have occurred if the defendant were not Trump.

Ultimately, Zakaria emphasized the skepticism surrounding Trump’s ability to receive a fair trial, citing a CNN poll.

Pam Key
Pam Key
Pam's contributions focus on political news and commentary, featuring articles on various topics such as politicians, elections, and current events.

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