Rare Muscle Injury Strikes Tufts University Lacrosse Players After Voluntary Workout


A dozen members of the Tufts University men’s lacrosse team have been diagnosed with a rare muscle injury, rhabdomyolysis, after participating in a voluntary workout session on Monday, according to a university spokesperson.

As of Friday, five of the affected players remained hospitalized, while the others are being closely monitored by medical professionals. The university’s director of media relations, Patrick Collins, noted that the number of confirmed cases and hospitalized players may change as the situation develops.

The workout in question was led by a graduate of the university who had completed Navy SEAL training, and was conducted under supervision. However, the exact circumstances surrounding the injuries are still unclear, and the university has appointed an external investigator to conduct a thorough review of the incident.

“We are deeply concerned about the well-being of our student athletes and are taking all necessary steps to ensure their safety and health,” Collins said in a statement. “Our thoughts are with the players and their families, and we hope for their speedy recovery under the care of local medical experts.”

In light of the incident, the university has postponed all team practice activities until each team member has been evaluated and medically cleared to return to participation. The investigation is ongoing, and the university will provide additional information as it becomes available.

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