Former FBI Agent: Uncivilized Political Rhetoric Fueling Violence Against Trump


Former FBI counterterrorism agent Tim Clemente appeared on CNN’s Sunday coverage of the second attempted assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, where he shared his insights on the possible motivations behind the attack. Clemente told host Erin Burnett that the constant finger-pointing at Trump, particularly with regards to his comments on the auto industry, may have contributed to the accused assassin’s actions.

Clemente expressed his concern about the increasingly uncivilized nature of political discourse in the US, citing the numerous political diatribes and indictments against both candidates. He specifically highlighted Trump’s comment about a “bloodbath” in the auto industry if his Democratic opponent wins, which he believes was misconstrued and used to fuel claims of violence.

“That kind of verbiage is typically used in a third-world country when talking about a dictator,” Clemente said. “Unfortunately, this type of rhetoric has led to attempts on Trump’s life, and I don’t think it will end until we change the way we engage in political dialogue.”

Clemente emphasized the need for Americans to return to a more civil and respectful way of discussing their differences, rather than demonizing those who hold opposing views. “We can disagree on 50% of the issues, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be friends, neighbors, or relatives,” he said. “We need to focus on having a constructive dialogue about our differences, rather than resorting to inflammatory language that creates division and hostility.”

Jeff Poor
Jeff Poor
Editor and conservative opinion maker.

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