Miracle Landing: Small Plane Crashes on Denver Golf Course, Occupants Walk Away


A small plane crashed on Wednesday at the Meridian Golf Club in the Denver, Colorado, area, after taking off from Centennial Airport just five miles away.

The crash, which occurred on Wednesday, left the plane upside down on the golf course, but fortunately, the two occupants were able to exit the aircraft and walk away, according to the Associated Press.

The Douglas County Sheriff’s Office shared an image of the upside-down plane on the course, with a few golfers standing in the background, seemingly unfazed by the sudden arrival of the aircraft.

One person on board suffered minor injuries but declined to be taken to a hospital for treatment, while the other person was unharmed. The plane, a Cessna 172, crashed near the seventh hole, sending shockwaves through the golf club.

Dave Lopez, the man who runs the course in the Englewood suburb, told the New York Post, “It crashed right next to three people – within 30 feet of them.” He added, “It freaked them out for sure.”

According to authorities, the plane’s engine failed, forcing an emergency landing on the golf course.

South Metro Fire Rescue Officer Brian Willie stated, “We were surprised by the scene when we arrived. The plane was upside down, and two people were walking away from it. We’re really thankful that both occupants were able to walk away from the crash.”

Willie told Fox 31 Denver, “This had to be a scary flight for both of them, as they were just taking off. And the other interesting thing about this is that a second plane had taken off behind it and flew over it just before the crash occurred.

The National Transportation Safety Board and the Federal Aviation Administration will be investigating the incident, which left people shocked but relieved that nothing worse happened.

More images from the scene show the plane upside down on the golf course, with a bench nearby.

Amy Furr
Amy Furr
Pre-Viral Reporter. Amy covers human interest, politics, crime, health, faith, history, wildlife, and service journalism. Previously, she was a tutor at Tarrant County College in Fort Worth, TX and a freelance writer for Townhall Media.

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