Trump is likely angered by his lawyers for their criminal defense efforts


Criminal defense attorney Lexie Rigden discussed why she thinks Trump is likely ‘furious’ at his lawyers after Daniels’ testimony and her reaction to the Missouri AG demanding the DOJ turn over information on communication with Trump prosecutors.

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  1. I can care less about Trump He's broke he's bringing the Holocaust. And he said it already he don't want to be your friend he doesn't care about your kids he doesn't care about your family. He's only for power. Money does not create friends.

  2. Jeeeeeezus.. Stormy Daniels was a guilable
    young woman of 27 yrs almost 20 yrs ago
    that wanted a chance to be on celebrity apprentice and is infact a bit angry with herself now that she felt for a ….let say a lie and gave the goodies before the transaction.
    That is the root of all this mess!!!!

  3. Judge Merchant is captured by DOJ the whole DOJ in America is captured. This judge, mainstream media, Alvin Bragg, stormy, leticia, Fani, Engoron is captured by the Biden administration and chronies from the Democratic Party. The whole DOJ of America is capture. They are coining the money through keeping President Trump in court for hush money. All of these thugs banking accounts should be investigated and be frozen. Then we will see who is behind the scenes. Makes you think does not it..Wake up America not Woke up…

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