Even Babies with Slim Odds of Survival Deserve a Chance at Life


Clare Rowan, a mother of eight children in Northern Virginia, shared a powerful experience in a recent article. She reflected on the heartbreaking news she received from her doctor about her baby’s fate and the note she found on her car regarding another mother’s similar experience.

The doctor’s abrupt announcement that her baby had no chance of survival was a devastating moment for Clare and her husband. It reminded her of the difficult decision she faced during her pregnancy, where she chose to let nature take its course rather than opting for abortion.

Upon discovering a note on her car from another mother who wished she had chosen to end her baby’s life at 20 weeks due to a heart defect, Clare was deeply moved. She reflected on her own decision and the difference in perspective between the two mothers.

Clare emphasized the importance of valuing every life and the need for healing in society, particularly in regards to the issue of abortion. She encouraged a shift back towards a culture of life and urged for repentance and healing from the impact of abortion on individuals and society.

In sharing her perspective as a pro-life advocate, Clare highlighted the importance of respecting life, making difficult but humane choices, and offering prayers for those who have faced similar challenges. She emphasized the need for understanding, compassion, and healing in addressing the complex issue of abortion.

Clare Rowan
Clare Rowan
Clare Rowan is the mother of eight children and lives in Northern Virginia. She has a MA in Theology from Christendom College and has taught Religious Education for over 30 years.

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