Can Trump rely on experts in NY?


Today’s show features three stories, including experts facing reputational damage, the importance of motherhood, and a pop culture quiz for Gen Z. Join Will Cain as he provides his unique perspective and conducts thought-provoking interviews.

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  1. To those who dont really know, @Youtube controls the comments and replies on their platform.

    To those who dont know, @YouTube, most of the workers at this plarktforn dont care for Trump.

    Make your own conclusions.

    Comment #1

  2. 1200 active volcanoes above sea level put out more carbon and greenhouse gases in a day than the human race could in hundreds of years. The scientists have the paperwork I've studied it for over 25 years now the scientists do not back up what they claim. Remove the human race climate change stays the same. Not counting the tens of thousands of volcanoes on the seafloor that seep up through the ocean and come into the atmosphere and also make the ocean thrive with the carbon and that's why the ocean floor is beautiful with beautiful plants. Scientists get paid off to lie. They are sellouts they should be coming out saying this is not true when do they grow balls and say we must tell the truth now we've been paid to lie the truth must come out. I can sit in the Congress and Senate and give a testament to prove that climate change is natural and remove the human race it stays the same invite me anytime you want. The Earth also moves In and out from the Sun in an orbit that changes over hundreds of years and then it goes back out in the earth cools the world is lying to people for power it needs to end the truth must come out.

  3. Poor Donald. He is going through such misery right now. He is being accused of things that sweet man would never do. He only gives love and kindness to everyone. So God, please take Donald out of his misery and call him home today.

  4. Wow, it just came out in court that Donald Trump was still running his business while he was in office. Another law broken by Donald Trump. What a serial criminal!

  5. Why don't you guys report on how a woman accused Joe Biden if sexual assault, and instead of the DOJ doing anything, she was exiled from the United States and sent to Russia to silence her. Report on that if you have the guts to.

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