Stormy Daniels Faces Ridicule Over Selfie Prior to Cross-Examination


Fox News’ Eric Shawn reports the latest on the NY v. Trump trial.

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  1. You would think democrats would tire of bullying and slandering President Trump and all Republicans but apparently not. What a worthless, bigoted, cesspool of arrogance and dishonesty the democrats turned out to be.

  2. Bill Clinton set the bar for sleeze [one that even Biden can step over] Yet the Demo-coms suddenly have found their Puritan virtue roots in discussing Trump's moral waywardness from over a decade ago! Much ado about Stormy's well plowed field, but a young intern on her knees…. as I recall got thrown under the Dem bus. Now, about the alleged crime— where is it?

  3. Is it inappropriate to touch myself during the trial? I'm not sure what's taboo anymore. Is genocide? Is violating the constitution? Are warcrimes? Is skirting government? Is defying congressional subpeonas? Was blowing nord2? Here's the dangerous part; I've been deciding for myself shhh. Malinformation is true but damaging information; cognify that.

  4. Has the prosecution not started on the crimes yet?


    Testimony has so far shown…

    The disgusting story that Trump wanted to hide from voters.

    The payment and NDA to hide it from voters and interfere with an election and make an illegal campaign contribution.

    The falsifying of business records to cover up the transaction because they knew what they were doing was illegal.

    So… it's all there if you are following the testimony. Fox hosts appear to be oblivious of the trials progress.

  5. This whole court is so fraudulent just like stormy such a joke. And it’s beginning to be ridiculous. I hope that the people that are in the jury they’re losing a lot of their income from their jobs because it’s such stupidity. It’s not even legit.

  6. Trump is the first president to be tried for crimes. Soon he will be the first convict president.

    It's ironic and fitting that the person who led chants of "Lock her up", is on trial.

  7. I wonder why Fox News never mentions the facts that Trump cheated on his wife, and he lied about not knowing Stormy yet alone having an uncomfortable sexual encounter with him? But yet, Fox News tries to scandalize Ms. Daniels for telling her truth

  8. Stormy is ONLY there to be a tool to SMEAR the President, which Pelosi has stated is what the Democrats do. Let's bring up & start a trial with the sexual assault claims against Biden, even what his own DAUGHTER wrote in her diary!!

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