Byron Donalds on Trump's surge with Black voters: 'He's real!'


Rep. Byron Donalds, R-Fla., discusses his views of former President Trump and the 2024 presidential election on ‘Fox News Saturday Night.’

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  1. Once you guys have separated yourselves from your All-Fox diet of news, and start connecting again with the real, non-cult world that you are momentarily stuck in, you will come to realize just how much of the planet thinks that you and trump are just complete lunatics. And then you’ll be humiliated and have to live with that stigma until you die.

  2. Any black person who voted for trump deserves every thing he does to him.This man calls black lives matter hoodlums and thugs but far right group good citizens. He cut millions from hbcu funding. Remember central park five. He denied black from living in his apartment. He wants to cut social security benefits and Medicare. Don't believe uncle tom byron Donald black men and women. This man doesn't care.Wake up
    He has a history and just wants your vote dumb asses.

  3. It is very hard to work for poor people, they have little to pay with. It can make you feel very bad but you have bills to pay and family to feed. Rich people don't usually over pay, or they wouldn't be rich very long but mostly you get your money.

  4. The Donald Trump and JD Vance act is getting tired and exhausting. They whine and are so negative. They take me back to 2nd grade recess. They definitely aren’t Oval Office material. You realize if DJT gets elected and can’t finish his term that JD Vance will be representing the Country around the world. Heck he can’t even order dessert with style. A real low bar to get on the FOX.

  5. Just fast forward to November when Don the Con loses (again), lies about a mythical stolen election (again), incites an insurrection at the Capitol (again), all of his inner circle turns on him (again), and his cult cries for 4 years (again).

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