Addressing Doubts about Voting Machines


There are different perspectives on election security, with some focusing solely on voting machines while others avoid complex issues. However, the reliability of voting equipment is essential for increasing voter confidence. Machine skepticism is a valid concern that needs to be addressed through practical solutions.

Concerns about voting machines have been raised by both sides, with Democrats advocating for election security measures in the past. This distrust continues to impact voter behavior, as seen in recent testimonies from a Georgia case. It is essential to address this issue, but it is not an easy task.

One solution is to transition from ballot marking devices to hand-marked paper ballots, eliminating the QR code issue and creating a more reliable paper trail. Local grassroots groups can advocate for this change at a county level. Hand counts on Election Day can also be a viable alternative for small counties concerned about machine reliability.

Hand recounts are another practical way to audit machines and boost voter confidence, especially in counties resistant to change. Logic and accuracy testing, as well as hash testing, are essential processes that should be carried out effectively to ensure machine integrity. Grassroots efforts can play a significant role in improving machine skepticism and election security.

Overall, increasing the reliability of voting machines is possible with coordination and effort from informed citizens. It is a worthwhile endeavor that can make a difference in election security.

Josh Findlay
Josh Findlay
Josh Findlay serves as the Director of the Texas Public Policy Foundation’s national Election Protection Project. Previously, he was the first-ever National Director of Election Integrity for the Republican National Committee, where he was responsible for building the organization’s national Election Integrity infrastructure, implementing the party’s first national issue reporting system and placing over 80,000 new citizens in election roles.

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