Thief from Abroad, Released in U.S., Charged with Stealing $300K in Jewelry


An international jewel thief, wanted by Interpol for theft in South Korea, was reportedly released into the United States after arriving at the southern border near San Diego, California. He has now been arrested in Nassau County, New York, for allegedly stealing over $300,000 worth of jewels from Tiffany & Co. and Cartier.

Yaorong Wan, 49 years old, entered the U.S. via the southern border near San Diego in December of last year. Upon claiming asylum, Wan was released into the U.S. interior.

Wan had an Interpol “Red Notice” for allegedly stealing $332,000 in jewelry in Seoul, South Korea, in 2018. Red Notices inform law enforcement worldwide about fugitives on the run.

Wan then made his way to New York City where he entered the Tiffany & Co. store on Fifth Avenue and swapped a diamond ring worth $255,000 with a fake one, leaving the store without making a purchase. At Cartier, he allegedly took an engagement ring valued at $25,000.

Wan also stole a watch valued at $17,000 from London Jewelers in Long Island. He has pleaded not guilty to grand larceny charges and is wanted in California and Florida for similar crimes.

John Binder
John Binder
John Binder is an immigration and fashion journalist. He focuses on national issues in the United States and writes for various platforms. He is a proud son, husband, father, and USMC Vet.

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