Former Dem helping Trump prepare for Harris debate


Fox News’ Peter Doocy reports the latest on Tulsi Gabbard’s effort to support Trump in the 2024 race.

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  1. Hey did you report onnthe multiple rightwingers making fun of gus waltz? To be fair it really doesnt surprise me. The gQp is characterized by making fun of and bullying those who are perceived as different. So, candidates children are fair game now? Interesting…

  2. That's a bit misleading: "battle over debate rules". Trump is fine with the rules Biden put in place. Kamala is the one that wants to change them after she said Trump was backing out of the previously agreed debate rules

  3. As Harris continues to lead in EVERY POLL and Trump is going down the tubes pretty rapidly. Will you deny that your cult leader is trailing and is most likely to lose? Do you know why? Because most Americans DO NOT WANT a criminal in the White House. Get it???????

  4. Flip flopping means , take the first comments because anything after that is grasping at straws and just pure lies.
    Democrats the party of liars, thieves and corruption against the American people.
    Democrats are the ones that will not leave office peacefully.

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