Was Barack Obama overshadowed by his wife at the DNC?


Fox News chief political analyst Brit Hume reacts to speeches from former President Obama and former first lady Michelle Obama at the 2024 Democratic National Convention.

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  1. Ted Lieu (劉雲平) (representative)
    could be Shanghai Bandit CCP Infiltrants, tried nit picking with misconstrued relevancy with recorded speeches of Conservative Sources, to discredit and to dishonor them

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  3. &&&& Remember That g.o.p. has given U.S. A RECESSION every time since EISENHOWER! Well, Regan DOUBLED the DEFICIT to stop one that Nixon Started! tRUMP increased the DEFICIT 33% and STILL had one!

  4. Why rate their speeches? Why give them that attention? Their actions speak louder than their words. We know they are skilled at manipulating with their words. We lived through that.
    As for Kamala….its no big deal she and her husband “talk often about religion”. Talking about it isn’t living it out. It’s just talk.

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