Eric Trump: If I were Kamala, I wouldn't do an interview either


Trump Organization executive vice president Eric Trump says Americans are hurting under the administration on ‘Jesse Watters Primetime.’

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  1. I think that the Trumps don´t get it that their insisting on talking about immigration and border won´t get them a win. The swing voters are not in the border areas and many of them have friends or workers who are illegal immigrants, so… The Trumps and Fox News keep preaching to the vicar — the people watching them are already voting for Trump, so what´s the point of all these interviews and repetition of the same talking points over and over and over. If Trump wants to win swing state voters, he needs to compare and contrast what he did in 2 and a half years with what Biden-Kamala did in 4 years. Trump doesn´t focus enough on the fact that he only had 2 and a half years as 1 year and a half were consumed by Covid. Trump worked miracles in those days and the media didn´t report what was going on correctly – I followed all press conferences and I saw exactly all the hard work the Trump´s team put on to get the situation under control. I´ll never forget when NY was chaotic and the governor was doing all those media-pleasing interviews while seniors were dying by thousands in senior homes and hospitals did not have enough safety gear to treat COVID-19 patients. All the equipment and gear were in warehouses that the local authorities were taking forever to get and distribute. The federal gov had to bring it to the states, but locally they had to make sure the hospitals got it. And NY was a disaster – Trump had to send the generals in to establish some order in the local logistics as the NY governor was too busy being cute for the cameras… So much stuff happened in those days that were never reported correctly… Sure, Trump doesn´t help himself focusing on the border border border and those horrific cases of violence which of course are very serious issues, but this is not what the independent voters want to hear to make a decision. Let´s see what happens… Also, the Democratic voters need to understand this is not the Bill Clinton era politicians we are seeing now, but some sort of mutants who are influenced by literature and radical theories that have nothing to do with the American reality. Finally, Trump needs to emphasize more that Harris´ campaign is focused on changing and fixing stuff – as if Trump were the incumbent! The Dems still have 5 months to make changes as they are the government – why don´t they do it right now, hello???

  2. Haha republicans are going to lose. Trump is no Republican conservative. I was Republican longer than him. He ran up the national debt more than any President until this administration and I'm a Republican voting against Trump..

  3. What parent would willingly leave their child alone with a man known to boast "they let you do anything, grab their P^$$y," – who a JUDGE defined as a R…ist – who a jury found liable for that very crime…who then defamed his VICTIM, who pays to sleep with women, then pays them again for their silence, while his wife is at home nursing their baby – who is a convicted felon and is still facing numerous criminal cases…are YOU ok with leaving your daughter alone with someone like that? …if so, I hope you get the help you need soon…

  4. I love the grounded reality of this channel!!!
    Retirement took a toll on my finances, but with my involvement in the digital market, $47,000 weekly returns has been life changing. AWESOME GOD❤️

  5. All I heard from clips at the DNC were Trump bashing and lies. The same old schtick we’ve heard for the last eight years. What makes this worse is she wasn’t even elected by delegates, she was installed on a weekend, she was the worst pick and was going to be removed from the ticket if Biden stayed in. Now within a month she’s going to be the “savior” our nation needs? Then she has Millionaires and Billionaires show up at the DNC to tell us how bad life was under President Trump? Their lifestyles haven’t changed monetarily, ours have!

  6. Kamela is doing what she's supposed to be doing… collecting money way more than Trump. She holding rallies and she spoke to 2 of them simultaneously at
    Full House venues, something Trump has yet to accomplish.

  7. When you know about how people try to hide their weaknesses and jealousies with bluster and aggression, you realize that trump is a bit of a sad weak character, very immature. How his parents must have treated him to become a malignant narcissist is tragic.

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