Democrats 'stripped' Biden of his presidency and honor: Kellyanne Conway


Panelists discuss Vice President Kamala Harris’ abrupt takeover of the Democrat Party from Biden at the Democratic National Convention.

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  1. I was waiting for Joe to reclaim his candidacy…. What the heck? It’s almost like Joe is a true patriot…. Country before self. Vote blue. Vote for a bright future not for grievance and retribution. 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙

  2. …so strange to hear Kelly Ann talk about Joe that way – Joe Biden is loved, respected and his decision to put democracy ahead of ego will go down in history.

    Joe Biden is bigger and more vital than ever!

    …while Crooked Donald Trump gets weaker every day because the light is getting in!

  3. In 2020 didn't the governor of Pennsylvania change some voting law on his own without any votes which gave the election to Biden? If PA is so important what's to stop him from doing that again? Republicans did nothing to prevent Democrats from rigging this election again like voter id laws. I'm sorry to say but because Republicans do nothing and allow democrats to walk all over the constitution in this country they will rig this election again and our country is over. Republicans could have put a stop to it but failed miserably. I hope to God I'm wrong and Trump wins.

  4. I only saw a little bit of it but what I noticed is that there were a lot of empty seats and some people looked forced when they were cheering like if they had a gun pointed behind there head

  5. As an independent I have voted for Dems and Republicans. But to set the Democrat at the table straight, winning is Not Policy, it’s not even a strategy, it’s a goal, and the Dems have NO PATH to that goal because they Are clearly pushing communism! Yuk!

  6. Jamie Ratskin" The Rat" is so full of lies and deception. He even backstabbed Biden Ask yourself, how on earth can you build a country with the Dems and the Dem leaders. Only abnormal people will vote for people like that. Very sad?

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