Kamala’s platform is ‘diametrically opposed’ to biblical ethics: Megan Basham


’Shepherds for Sale’ author Megan Basham discusses how Democrats are trying to weaponize Christianity on ‘Jesse Watters Primetime.’

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  1. I hope if your a TRUE CHRISTIAN you are AWAKE. No way GOD: ALMIGHTY would ever allow Harris in any kind of position for she is a DECEIVER as JESUS said for you have been warned don't be DECEIVED💯💯🙏🙏

  2. The TRUTH is, it is Donald Trump and MAGA who are diametrically opposed to biblical ethics, he is everything a Christian should not be, and worst of all – he thinks HE is God!! Fox are thus the biggest hypocrites in the land.

    I beg you to forgive the United States of America for all of the sins that the peoples who inhabit the Nation have committed, and I beg you to forgive the peoples and help guide them in a positive direction, please help them against evil. Thank you for everything CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE, LORD GOD! Amen."

    Please pray these words now, pray them as you read them if you cannot look and remember them 🙏 Please worship the CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE, THE LORD GOD and try not to worry too much about the differences between the different religions and denominations, try to think about the similarities and the things they may have in common more than the differences. Daily prayer is a fundamental part that many people do not practice although it is encouraged.
    Please consider beginnning daily prayer, it is a good habit that will help you if you actually do it and continue to do it


    She was born to NON-U.S. Citizen Parents thus inheriting at the moment of birth, the Citizenship Status of said parents via the powerful 'right of the blood'(jus sanguinis)

    Had the Founders/Framers intended for eligibility to this most High Office to extend to folks who had merely been born within the territory then they would have stated as much , THEY DIDN'T ~ Where do we find in the Constitution either of the following:

    'No person except one born on U.S. Soil..' or 'No person except one born within the territorial limits/jurisdiction of the United States..shall be eligible..' etc. ?

    WE DON'T !

    THIS IS WHAT WE DO FIND: 'No person except a natural born Citizen..shall be eligible..'

    David Ramsay "A Dissertation on the Manner of Acquiring the Character & Privileges of a Citizen of the United States" (1789):

    "..citizenship as a natural right belongs to none but those who have been born of citizens…"

    John Bingham, AKA “Father of the 14th Amendment”, Abolitionist, Congressman, prosecuted Lincoln’s assassins states:

    “Every human being born within the jurisdiction of the United States of parents not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty is, in the language of your Constitution itself, a natural born citizen.” (Cong. Globe, 39th, 1st Sess., 1291 (1866)

    Supreme Court of the United States Elk v. Wilkins (1884)

    Quote: ''…children of aliens, … must necessarily remain themselves subject to the same sovereignty as their parents , and cannot, in the nature of things, be, any more than their parents, completely subject to the jurisdiction of such other country.''

    Supreme Court Chief Justice, Melville Fuller administered the Oath of Office to 5 Presidents

    Fuller speaks : "…it is UNREASONABLE TO CONCLUDE THAT 'natural-born citizen' applied to everybody born within the geographical tract known as the United States… THE CHILDREN OF FOREIGNERS,..ARE NOT ELIGIBLE TO THE PRESIDENCY ."

  5. Veterans are describing Trump and Vance as BLUE FALCONS. (What Does Blue Falcon Mean?

    The slang term blue falcon refers to the person who consistently betrays or undermines their friends in various situations. It originated in the military, where it was used to describe individuals within a unit who consistently made mistakes and caused trouble for the entire platoon. The term is believed to have derived from the civilian term “buddy f#@$er” or “bf,” which was then modified to “blue falcon” to make it more suitable for military use. Today, the term is used not only in the military but also by police and civilians. It does not have any other known meanings. Here are some examples of how to use blue falcon in conversation:)

  6. The evangelical voters are not swayed, they follow everlasting principles. They were fooled by Biden pretending to be a moderate. They have been watching the parties, and Harris. They will not be fooled again.

  7. This is one Evangelical Christian who would NOT vote for any democrat. They couldn’t pay me enough. Everything they stand for, from abortion to grooming school children to tampons in the boys bathroom is from the devil.

  8. I feel churches should stay out of Politics. If they get into Politics then they can start paying taxes like the rest of us. And watch churches suddenly quit even say 1 word about our political system.

  9. They will surely fail, that's satanic crafty activities, using the church to sponsor satanic activities. Harris camala will surely fail UNLESS America was established on bases of their founding fathers who believed in and said in GOD WE TRUST

  10. The American people want to know when this Scumbag Hunter is going to prison where he deserves to be. And not walking around free. He's lost that privilege. The entire Biden Crime family are guilty. These criminals sold out the American people. Beijing Biden is a complete moron. Disgusting and repulsive, always has been. Harris is even worse if you can imagine that.

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