GOP member Carol Miller claims Derrick Evans has a zero NRA rating, which is inaccurate


Rep. Carol Miller (R-WV) released an attack ad against former state Rep. Derrick Evans, falsely claiming he has a “zero” rating with the NRA. However, it is clear that Evans actually has an “AQ” rating, the highest rating a candidate can receive without a voting record. NRA Board Member-elect Dennis Fusaro confirmed this, stating that Miller’s claim is incorrect and likely a fabrication by her consultant.

In response, Evans criticized Miller for voting on a controversial spending bill and for not endorsing former President Donald Trump. He pointed out various objectionable components of the bill, including funding for abortion and transgender surgery on minors, as well as support for the Green New Deal and Egyptian college tuition. Evans emphasized that Miller’s actions do not align with the beliefs of the constituents in her district.

For further details, Evans also clarified in an interview that Miller is not a “RINO” but an “undocumented Democrat.” It is evident that the claims made by Miller’s attack ad are misleading and inaccurate, and Evans maintains a strong rating with the NRA.

Sean Moran
Sean Moran
Policy/Congressional Reporter focusing on health care, energy, and tech.

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