Toddler ingests THC gummies at daycare, says mother


A mother in Memphis was shocked and upset after her two-year-old son ingested THC gummies at daycare. The incident led to the child being lethargic and needing medical attention. It was discovered that the toddler and another child had found the gummies in a daycare worker’s purse. The mother expressed her concerns about the daycare’s negligence and lack of immediate action in response to the situation. The child was taken to LeBonheur Children’s Hospital for tests and observation. Doctors emphasized the dangers of children ingesting edibles, comparing it to ingesting medication. The mother is seeking answers and justice from the daycare, LaPetite Academy, and has since removed her children from the facility. The daycare issued a statement stating that the safety and well-being of children is their top priority and that the staff member involved is no longer employed there. The incident is under investigation by Child Services and Memphis Police.

April Thompson
April Thompson
Digital Reporter.

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