Former Speaker Pelosi Criticizes Biden’s Campaign Operation


Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi expressed her unflattering assessment of President Joe Biden’s campaign team in a recent interview with The New Yorker. Pelosi confessed that she has never been overly impressed with Biden’s political operation, despite their successful bid for the White House.

Pelosi’s candid remarks revealed her concerns about the campaign’s leadership and decision-making process. “My concern was that things weren’t happening, and we needed to make a decision to make it happen,” she explained. “The President had to make the call, and I kept my conversations limited to him alone.” Pelosi disputed claims that she was actively lobbying for changes in the campaign’s leadership, stating, “I never made one call. I didn’t even talk to Chuck Schumer.”

Pelosi’s primary objective, she emphasized, was to prevent Donald Trump from returning to the White House. Her comments marked a stark contrast to her glowing praise of Biden just days earlier. In a Sunday interview, Pelosi had effusively described Biden as a “consequential president” worthy of being immortalized on Mount Rushmore.

When pressed on her assertion, Pelosi doubled down, suggesting that Biden’s legacy merited consideration alongside the likes of Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt. “You’ve got Teddy Roosevelt up there, and he’s wonderful,” she said. “I’m not saying take him down, but you could add Biden.”

Madeline Leesman
Madeline Leesman
Web Editor. Madeline writes on all topics, with a particular interest in the pro-life issue, LGBT+ issues, immigration, big tech, and the coronavirus pandemic. She graduated from Belmont University in December 2019 as a double major in journalism and public relations.

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