Israel’s Fears About a Kamala Harris Presidency


In a recent op-ed, Zvika Klein, editor-in-chief of the Jerusalem Post, expressed concerns about the potential implications of a Kamala Harris presidency for Israel and the Jewish community. Klein pointed to Harris’s recent willingness to consider an arms embargo on Israel as a troubling sign, despite her campaign’s subsequent attempts to walk back the statement.

According to Klein, Harris’s openness to this idea is part of a larger pattern of empathy for radical anti-Israel views and pro-Palestinian activists within her party. This trend has sparked concerns among some observers about the potential consequences of a Harris presidency for Israel’s security and well-being.

Interestingly, Israeli Jews tend to hold political views that diverge significantly from those of their American counterparts. While American Jews have historically leaned Democratic, Israeli Jews have shown a strong preference for Republican candidates. This divide was evident in the 2020 US presidential election, in which 63% of Israelis expressed support for incumbent President Donald Trump, compared to just 19% who backed Democratic challenger Joe Biden.

Joel B. Pollak
Joel B. Pollak
South African-American conservative political commentator, writer, radio host, and attorney.

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