Democrat Rep. Raskin Threatens to Steal Election, Incite Civil War to Stop Trump


The Democrat-media complex has long been accused of institutional bias, and recent events have only served to reinforce this notion. Since 2016, Democrats have become increasingly brazen in their dishonesty, with Kamala Harris being a prime example of this trend. Her campaign trail rhetoric is often devoid of substance, but she knows she can rely on the media to give her a free pass.

However, when the press is caught off guard, they momentarily shift into high gear to convince the public that they’re committed to holding those in power accountable. But will they apply the same scrutiny to Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) after his recent remarks about preventing Donald Trump from taking office again in 2024?

Raskin’s comments are nothing short of astonishing, as he openly declares that Democrats will stop at nothing to prevent Trump’s re-election, even if it means subverting the will of the people. This is a clear threat to the very fabric of our democracy, and yet the media remains eerily silent. Raskin’s arrogance is palpable as he claims he’ll do what the Supreme Court has refused to do, and his gloating about the potential consequences of his actions is downright chilling.

Raskin’s remarks are a stark reminder of the illiberal and constitutionally negligent tendencies of the Left. His willingness to incite civil unrest and silence opposing voices is a threat to the very foundations of our republic. It’s clear that Raskin’s actions are motivated by a deep-seated animosity towards Trump, rather than any genuine concern for the well-being of the nation. The fact that an elected member of Congress is openly advocating for election theft and civil war is a disturbing indication of the depths to which our politics have sunk.

Matt Vespa
Matt Vespa
Senior Editor. Previously, Matt worked for and was the recipient of Americans for Prosperity Foundation's 2013 Andrew Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Activism and Investigative Reporting.

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