Hollywood Under Siege: Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson Latest Victims of LA Burglary


A brazen daylight burglary has struck the Los Angeles home of Hollywood power couple Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson, with thieves smashing their way into a guest house on the property.

According to law enforcement sources, the incident occurred while the couple was out of town, and despite an alarm being triggered by the broken glass, the thieves were able to gain entry. Fortunately, they did not breach the main house.

This latest incident comes on the heels of a pair of home burglaries that left actress Goldie Hawn shaken and seeking increased security measures. Hawn, who shares a Los Angeles residence with actor Kurt Russell, expressed her shock and dismay at the repeated break-ins, saying “I couldn’t believe it, ‘What is happening here?'”.

In response, Hawn has opted for 24/7 security to ensure her safety and that of her family members. “I’m never without a guard… especially when I’m alone,” she revealed.

The rise in crime in Los Angeles has led to a mass exodus of residents, with over 500,000 people leaving the state of California between 2020 and 2022, according to the LA Times. This decline is the fourth largest in the country, with many fleeing to states like Nevada and Texas.

A number of high-profile celebrities, including Jim Carrey, Mark Wahlberg, Sylvester Stallone, Rob Schneider, Joe Rogan, and Matt Damon, have also abandoned California in recent years, seeking safer and more secure living arrangements elsewhere.

Simon Kent
Simon Kent
Managing Editor. An Aussie and a sailor a long way from the sea.

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