Kevin McCarthy: This could be a runaway presidential race


Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy discusses Vice President Kamala Harris’ political past on ‘Sunday Night in America.’

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  1. I don’t have too much faith in polls , people need to really look at what Biden and Harris have done and all the damage to our border , economy, eveything cost almost double our kids can buy homes they can’t afford anything ,

  2. I don’t think we should make the false equivalency of stealing an election to winning. Joe did not win that race by almost 50k votes. We all know and there is proof that illegal votes were collected and mail in votes were submitted illegally. Republicans allowed that election to be stolen and then legitimized it by pretending like it was won fair and square.

  3. Stop saying that Trump will win easilly, THST SUPPRESSES THE REPUBLICAN VOTE. Dems will circle the wagons in November. They will unify into single issue voters = beat Trump no matter what. They don't care about inflation = govt handouts cover the inflation. They don't care about war = #1 they don't serve in front line combat units and #2 Their cronies grift the tax monies sent to Ukraine and other places. McCarthy stop suppressing our vote with stupid talk!!! ❀❀❀

  4. The polls are bs there is no way they are speaking to enough republican to get an accurate count. I believe most of the polls are conducted speaking to democrats who have been brainwashed by CNN.

  5. I would rather wait for the debate and then choose. I like Trump, he is so firm and decisive, she would hardly hold well in the world of strong leaders. But Trump's record is questionable.

  6. The democrats will not allow Trump to win. There are several, parallel efforts: ballot stuffing in the critical states, it only takes a few thousand votes in each of these battleground states. Second is the infiltration of both Chinese and Russian money and propaganda attacks, especially on social media. Third, and strongest effort, is the main stream media. The use of the word weird last week simply illuminates the concerted, engineered effort by the media to prevent Trump from winning. It's not about wanting Harris, it's about not wanting Trump. This election has been decided by the democrat party, period. Now add defense contractors and big pharma, boom, done.

  7. Are people listening to what is said here ,,,what has Harris ever done ??? They you worry about losing everything you will lose if trump is elected,,,,,❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️ without question

  8. That has been the plan all along to wreck the economy shut down small business. Make them fold and buy up cheap land. If you shut them down and make them move. You have free rain over your state hence California, New York Chicago, Pennsylvania.

  9. Kamala's political past? The guy who has been convicted of sexual assault, hung out with Jeffrey Epstein and called him a great guy who likes them young, who told us to drink bleach, took bribes from the Chinese, and Saudis, said our soldiers were suckers and losers, and was convicted of not renting his apartments to black people? The guy who said he wanted to do his own daughter? LOL

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