US Taxpayer Dollars Funding Terrorist Organizations, Report Finds


The United States is facing a heightened risk of terrorist threats on its soil, particularly given the current state of the southern border and the nation’s involvement in multiple conflicts abroad. A recent investigation by Judicial Watch has uncovered a disturbing trend of U.S. taxpayer dollars being funneled to terrorist organizations, including the Taliban.

According to the report, the State Department’s failure to properly vet recipients of U.S. aid has resulted in at least $239 million being awarded to entities with ties to terrorism. This is a direct consequence of the Biden Administration’s chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan, which has left the country vulnerable to exploitation by extremist groups.

The report highlights the State Department’s negligence in adhering to its own counterterrorism partner vetting requirements, which has led to a significant risk of U.S. funds being diverted to the Taliban and other sanctioned parties. The investigation found that the agency failed to maintain proper records, making it difficult to track the distribution of U.S. aid and ensure that it is not being used to support terrorist activities.

The findings of the report are alarming, and suggest that the U.S. government is not doing enough to prevent taxpayer dollars from being used to support terrorist organizations. The report notes that the State Department’s lack of oversight has resulted in U.S. funds being used to benefit nefarious groups, rather than the Afghan people who are intended to be the recipients of this aid.

Furthermore, a federal audit has revealed that the United Nations received $1.6 billion in U.S. funding for assistance with Afghanistan, with a significant portion of this money reportedly being diverted to the Taliban. This raises serious concerns about the effectiveness of U.S. aid programs and the need for greater accountability and oversight to prevent the misuse of taxpayer dollars.

Sarah Arnold
Sarah Arnold
Staff writer.

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