Kristi Noem Stands by the Truth


South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem addresses the controversies in her new book and speculation she could be former President Trump’s vice president on ‘Jesse Watters Primetime.’

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  1. The GOP has dug itself into such a deep hole over the last 7-8 years and they just keep digging. My former party is unsavable at this point, and it will take at least a generation to overcome. Quite possibly two generations.

  2. They forced you to wear masks.
    They locked you in your homes.
    They threatened and intimidated you to you take their jab.

    Not just in this country.
    In every Western Nation.

    Has everyone forgotten so quickly?

    Kristi and Ron were the only two who stood firm.

  3. Well folks like Jesse from New York, who have never been to the Dakota's, have no idea what takes place on a farm or ranch, they have no clue how important "Good Dogs" are. Or an absolute danger a bad one can be. Watch Cujo Jesse and get an idea!!

  4. This comment section of Kristi Noem supporters trying to play defence for her is cute. Her political career is effectively over. If she cannot even be bothered to report the truth in her own memoir, she is not fit to serve this country.

  5. Dang. Dare I say, the animal lover in me is definitely @ odds (& by that I mean kinda hates…) with the fact that I kinda dig her. That being said; I still feel like she'd dominate K.H. js. Greetings from NY 🗽

  6. We South Dakotans love Kristi. When she was running for Congress I actually turned my back on her at a parade because I supported the other guy. But after seeing her heart and how she is dedicated to South Dakota, and the country, I became a Kristi supporter for life. I actaully feel bad that I doubted her back then.

  7. C'mon give us some malarky (could be bullsit) about "AMERICA" after you challenged people about an "HERB " issue. I could have defended today, Jockstrap the pet from a territorial cat. Not kissing for real. She looks great must be up to something out there.

  8. Did u EVER THINK the HANDIMADE C$nt in The Kitchen Katie Britt could be ECLIPSED by a Stepford Wife? This $unt CHEATS on her HUSBAND with Corey Lewandowski & MURDERS ANIMALS & LIES

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