Jesse Watters Claims Biden is Afraid


Fox News host Jesse Watters calls out the president for ‘dodging the press’ on ‘Jesse Watters Primetime.’

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  1. I agree, tRump should be gagged and then thrown in jail where he belongs! Absolute moron and criminal! Then you have Fox News and its idiotic, cowardly hosts, along with tRumps supporters, (all of low intellect), who continue to follow him! Joke!

  2. You got a present candidate but you will not allow him to speak? One question I would like to have Biden and Trump answer. What is the one (maybe three biggest problem) the United States faces and how would you solve it?

  3. Democrats plan to prosecute trump, make him look bad , so people won’t vote for him , ? Or is it to make him look bad so when they cheat with the votes it covers up there scam ?

  4. The dumb delusional democrats and the looney libby media have one thing in common. They are both two sides of a counterfeit bill. Trump 2024 πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ πŸ‘ Jimbo Mexican American, former US Navy radioman petty officer 86-96.

  5. The Biden administration has laid the runway for Trump to land on in the very near future.
    If you can charge an innocent man for a crime he did not commit rest assured a guilty man is going to prison.

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