Hamas Urgently Calls for Ceasefire as Israeli Strike on Rafah Approaches


The Hamas organization in Palestine hastily announced on Monday that they had agreed to a ceasefire shortly after Israel issued a warning to evacuate residents of Rafah, the last stronghold of Hamas in Gaza, due to a potential invasion. Reports from international media confirmed that Hamas had suddenly accepted the terms for a temporary ceasefire proposed by Egypt and Qatar, after resisting for weeks. However, Israeli officials stated that Hamas agreed to terms that Israel had not proposed or accepted.

The urgency of Hamas’s decision may have been influenced by the impending Israeli attack, as thousands of Palestinian civilians began to flee Rafah, a critical town on the Egyptian border that Israel had not yet entered. Israel had dropped leaflets and used various methods to warn residents to evacuate to safety.

Israel’s government spokesman indicated that the invasion plans were genuine and not a bluff, as Israel had promised to take action against Hamas for several months. The disagreement in previous negotiations centered around Israel’s insistence on dismantling Hamas both militarily and politically to prevent its return to power in Gaza. Hamas sought a commitment from Israel to end the conflict as part of any agreement.

With Israel demonstrating a willingness to attack Hamas even before the release of hostages, Hamas leaders may now be focused on self-preservation. The possibility of a lasting ceasefire remains uncertain.

Joel B. Pollak, Senior Editor-at-Large at Truth Voices, highlighted the situation and the potential outcomes of the conflict.

Joel B. Pollak
Joel B. Pollak
South African-American conservative political commentator, writer, radio host, and attorney.

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