‘DISRESPECTFUL’: Trump slams Kamala Harris’ remarks about Israel


Fox News contributor Ari Fleischer reacts to Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s visits with former President Trump and the Biden-Harris administration amid ongoing conflict in the Middle East.

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  1. America, do your country right. We foreigners are rooting for you, especially us living in third world countries. Don't be like us, we know most of you won't even survive one day in our countries without your privileges as Americans. Go make your country proud.

  2. I dont see KH as a leader America needs. She seems to be focus on things that wont improve America in anyway. Honestly i dont care for kindness she speaks of. It aint providing food on the table not fund the roof over my head.

  3. Shameless united state fininancing abd arming Israel Netanyahu atrocities snd destruction of lives of tens of thousands of Palestinians then like Trump pretend Netanyahu is a great man 😃them like Kamala pretend to support Zand care for Palestine people with the left hand while arming snd finsncing Istael evil war on Palestine with the right hand ,

  4. I will never be sensitive to the comments of people PRO PUTIN Those who are not capable of settling their own fight and incapable of agreeing and working together for all Americans blue or red to settle your differences because one winner or the other the country will still be divided . The Americans are not really well placed to pretend to solve the problems of another country

  5. Netanyahu’s meeting with Trump so that Trump loses the elections and Harris wins. Trump is a dove of peace. Netanyahu cannot bring down Trump

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