Ammunition Shipment to Israel Put on Hold by Biden Administration


Last week, the Biden administration stopped a shipment of U.S. ammunition bound for Israel for reasons that are still unclear, according to a report on Sunday. Israeli officials were confused by the halt in the shipment, with Axios reporting on their scramble to understand the situation. CNN declared that the decision was not related to U.S. opposition to an invasion of the Hamas stronghold in Rafah, Gaza.

Despite this, the Biden administration recently approved $26 billion in military and humanitarian aid for Israel in its fight against Hamas. There have been repeated warnings against moving into Rafah, where many displaced Palestinians are seeking refuge.

The National Security Council assured that the U.S. support for Israel has not changed, emphasizing the significant security assistance provided since the October attacks. This marks the first time since the attacks that a weapons shipment intended for the Israeli military has been halted by the U.S.

The White House has consistently opposed an Israeli move into Rafah, with National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan expressing doubts about Israel having a credible plan for such an invasion that would satisfy the U.S.

While there have been concerns about the delay in military aid, including urgently needed ammunition, Israel remains determined to win the war. Reports indicate that ammunition deliveries are continuing as usual, despite any delays in specific shipments.

Israeli officials have downplayed reports of a suspension of U.S. ammunition shipments, stating that the flow of defense equipment from the U.S. to Israel is ongoing. There is no awareness of a policy decision to stop the shipments, and government spokesman David Mencer confirmed no knowledge of any suspension in U.S. ammunition deliveries.

Simon Kent
Simon Kent
Managing Editor. An Aussie and a sailor a long way from the sea.

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