'PALACE COUP': Trump reacts to Biden's 'terrible' Oval Office address


Former President Donald Trump spoke with the ‘Fox & Friends’ co-hosts about President Biden’s Oval Office address and his plan to take on VP Kamala Harris.

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  1. They blackballed their own president by scheduling a debate in June. Debates are always held after the conferences, which is in August. Its a first ever for a debate to be held in June. The dems arranged and insisted on that debate, and right after the left media crucified Biden. All orchestrated by the dems. The powers behind the scenes are going to do the same with Harris during their conference. Its all rigged

  2. They knew Biden would crumble during the debate which would give them the perfect opportunity to get him out and put Kamala in. But Trump had to accept the offer or they would have said Trump was afraid to debate him. They are very smart and dangerous people.

  3. Now the media propaganda is back in full swing. They are scrubbing Harris' record, editing their own previous reporting. They are telling us how noble this move was by Joe. He was thrown out. The DNC is now blocking delegates from voting for anyone but Harris. "Democracy."

  4. Kamala will pretty much be the deathblow to our country. She’s more corrupt and more hated than Biden, she was just tossed in without a single primary vote.

    It’s like the Dems are desperate to stay in power.

  5. I can't find one honest word that came out of FJB's mouth. I can't believe there are people that believe this guy. It looked pre-recorded, looked like a fake set of the Oval Office, his chin was crooked and he had brown eyes this time.
    They really think we're stupid.

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