Mark Levin Calls Biden a ‘Diabolical, Evil, Nasty Man’


Fox News host Mark Levin reflects on President Biden’s alleged connections to segregationists on ‘Life, Liberty & Levin.’

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  1. We all can agree and be extremely pleased that at least most definitely we won't get to see Creepy crooked senile perverted Sniffing Joe in heaven! There is a one way ticket to hell for Biden and luckily it will be very soon!

  2. You can't take a Government seriously when the President is diagnosed as Senile yet
    was not impeached immediately. Who is making decisions & it's Treason without consequence
    for there is no legitimate Governing body left.

  3. I support Israel but I am extremely concerned about the invasion of our nation, w/ millions and millions of unvetted illegal immigrants.

    And now Biden plans to ship thousands of Palestinians, many of whom support terrorism, into our country——it’s outrageous!!! The man is a menace—-he’s a traitor, who is endangering America in every way possible.

  4. I have voted dem candidates for 4 decades twice Bill Clinton and Twice our brother Hussein Obama until 2020 election I voted Donold Trump because I found him to be a self made successful billionaire business man???????????

  5. This vile, evil, reign of pedojobama has caused our U.S.A. to be the laughing stock of the world…wake-up people, he is destroying the morale of America…

  6. I’m curious, is it that most democrats, particularly minorities especially AAs don’t know his history? How can they pick him over Trump even assuming all the allegations against Trump are true? I’m really curious

  7. 81 milioen voters….complicits of evil…..they KNEW this idiot for 47 years….and STILL…..
    but the masses of public money addictive parasitical sociopath will commit ANY form of they're coup d'etat in slow motion on the "deplorable" peoples they not only contempt, but as old school lazy plantationholders looking for all whips to beat they're taxslaves onto they're public money bringing exploitation fields, and hate of course anybody who wants to take away they're evil "whips". The trojan climate horses are well used, the open borders for never want to loose elections again. Trump is ONLY taking away they're evil whips….free the taxslaves from the thug-scums as republican A. Lincoln ever did with the other democrat version of slavery. Communisme was not "selling well" anymore and it is rebranded in "green" with unchanged communist agenda's: huge big governments controlling the peoples. But it HAS to go the way arround! Why big governments? Thise liberals all are pseudo "high educated" in disciplines with which they would have been lifelong unemployed in the real world, and create they're own world to survive lack of usable real knowledge peoples want to buy and pay for volontarily….

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