Trump rally volunteer refused to enter event over lack of security


Fox News’ CB Cotton reports the latest on the security failures leading up to the Trump assassination attempt.

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  1. One minute reid, madcow, and the other talking heads are saying staged, then the next minute, after being chastised by other media and liberals, they were "acting" like they were glad he didn't die. Nobody can talk out of both sides of their mouths like the MSM.

  2. She had one job, literally one job above everything else, to keep whoever they were gaurding safe from threats. She not only failed at that, she absolutely failed. She should be fired period!

  3. Security around trump ⬜️👂🏻is a joke he didn’t call for help at the capitol for 3 hours and he didn’t step down and trump ⬜️👂🏻 took the oath of office and blamed Antifa was there and do you think Antifa would’ve stopped if trump ⬜️👂🏻said stop? lol they were all trumps ⬜️👂🏻red hats trump ⬜️👂🏻said get rid of the mags. They’re not here to hurt me ! Think trump ⬜️👂🏻is responsible as well for this lack of security ? No mags on Jan 6 ? Who at a trump ⬜️👂🏻rally would hurt trump ⬜️👂🏻? That’s trumps ⬜️👂🏻thinking it’s arrogance now he knows maybe a little gun control a little thought about AR15s in the streets of America? ⬜️👂🏻it’s a no 🧠er Unless you’re a Republican⬜️ 👂🏻so you don’t have to where a maxi pad on your ⬜️👂🏻? Or worse? Thoughts and prayers for those who passed and got hurt! SAD!!

  4. Last comment, and be my guests to fact-check my words.. the Biden admin.. through various agencies, searched for a candidate to take out Trump, months before, maybe a couple of years before. Even using the census bureau through the Philadelphia field office.
    Tommy commented here on YouTube, his words (not verbatim, but close)
    "Americans, soon your God (referring to Trump) will be gone and you'll all be free.. "
    Don't test my knowledge, lefties.
    Have a wonderful evening.

  5. How can the director of the secret service say it's ok to allocate local law enforcement to do their job after Cheatle knew there was an Iranian threat ?
    Once Cheatle knew there was a Iranian threat she should have accessed the security level in Butler and asked for more staff.
    It also took away emergency personelle from the citizens of Butler for the Trump event.

  6. Latest information indicates the Trump injury could also be caused by shattered plexiglass hitting his ear to cause it to cut and bleed. Stay tuned to find the truth, however, Trump’s team is not disclosing medical information which is unusual.

  7. If I had a chance to speak to her as a member of Congress, Id just say one thing. "You failed, and you're fired! Then tell you to go clean out your office immediately". While instructing guards to escort you out of the building while IT is instructed to remove your authorization to access the building.

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